Publishing Book publishing 101: the distribution myth How important is distribution to the success of your book. I analyze a recent deal negotiation with a counterintuitive point of view.
Publishing How a few hundred sales makes economic sense He said he’d sold a little over 100 copies and that one day last week he’d made more money from selling books than his ‘day job’.
Publishing Not all Kindle content is priced equal, especially outside America The international version content purchased from Amazon's Kindle store will be more expensive until Amazon secures a local wireless partner.
Publishing The Kindle goes roaming, but it's still American The arrival of Amazon’s Kindle to Australian shores is good news for the development of our ebook market. Let's hope it kicks off ereader competition.
Publishing Publishing business starts decade old DRM debate An interesting debate about DRM on Pan Macmillan’s blog where editor Michael Bhaskar argued that DRM is not ‘evil’. Great debate worth reading.
Publishing Productivity Commission’s anti-capital(ist) policy The Productivity Commission’s recommendations concerning the parallel importation of books are a sad indictment on the state of public policy in this nation.
Publishing Maintaining parallel importation restrictions is bad public policy Is repealing parallel important restrictions is good public policy? Can the stated objectives of the policy be guaranteed by changing the legislation?
Publishing Confessions of a non-publisher, not enough storytelling Many manuscripts that come across the desks of Red Hill Publishing editors that don't tell a story. Why this matters for your book.
Publishing There’s more money in it (with us)! This post’s subject is money: it makes the world go round. Here's how you will make more money publishing your book with Red Hill Publishing.
Book publishing 101: Marketing and channels to market A channel to market is the path goods take – such as your book – between manufacturing and the end user. Here's why it matters for your book.
Business Redefining DRM — Digital Resale Management I believe passionately in DRM. Media consumption is no longer linear. Channels to market are no longer unitary. We need a new model.
Sally's social networking blog-a-thon If you didn't know, Red Hill Publishing writing guru Sally Collings is a best selling author in her own right. Check out her personal blog and engage on Twitter.