Marketing Steve Stoute on marketing (and Kodak) I posted a few videos a week or so ago featuring music biz meets ad-man Steve Stoute, and the author of The Tanning of America. In an article in the New York Observer he had this to say about Kodak's recent campaign featuring Rihanna. He wasn't complimentary.
Creativity Steve Jobs, creativity, and seeing what others could not One of Jobs' geniuses was his capacity to see what others couldn't. Some have taken exception to Isaacson's bio, but they miss the point.
Business Making it in America Steve Tobak over at CBS MoneyWatch has this to say about achieving the American Dream (whatever that actually is) … and just in case you’re wondering it most certainly doesn’t involve dreaming.
Business This is why recorded music is in a hole Video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 "established a new five-day sell-through record of more than $US775 million" worldwide according to a report in the Fairfax media.
Startup Using technical proficiency as an excuse for not shipping In another exemplary post, Seth Godin considers a frequent failing of many who use technical proficiency as an excuse for not shipping.
Music Business To stream tunes, or to buy? According to a report from Digital Music News, users of Spotify tend not to purchase music. This is hardly surprising.
Business Content ain't king, and neither is distribution In 1996 when considering the future of the internet Bill Gates famously wrote that 'content is king'. Meanwhile others argue in 2011 that 'distribution is king'. In 2012 the only king of the internet is attention.
Principles The paradox of expectations and 1% change Two posts about expectations interested me. One about the paradox of expectations, and the other about incremental change and expectations.
Business Can you handle the truth? In a recent post titled Neil Patel blogged about the need to be able to openly receive the 'truth' if we’re to grow a business. Be on the lookout for false prophets.
Music Business Steve Stoute interviews Jimmy Iovine Steve Stoute interviews Interscope's Jimmy Iovine about Rolling Stone magazine's first hip hop cover.
Music Business Steve Stoute interviews Jay-Z Steve Stoute, author of The Tanning of America, and music biz and advertising supremo, talks with Jay-Z.
Year With No Beer A Year With No Beer, Redux #YWNB This year I conducted a social experiment on myself. I decided to not consume alcohol to see what impact it had on my life. Would any problems be solved?
Creativity Knowing when to abandon great art Great art is never complete, only abandoned. Knowing when to abandon our art and offer it up to the world is the most important lesson the creator has to learn.
Creativity In-built mediocrity and letting go Being good enough is pretty easy. We don't need to strive to better ourselves each and every day. It's safe. Goals are achieved. Progress is made. No-one really gets hurt. Except of course that's not true.
Creativity Context vs Content Two of my favorite, long-running TV shows ended this year: HBO’s Entourage and the BBC’s Spooks. I recently re-watched the first series of both programs and was struck by the vibrancy and intensity of each. It didn't last.
Music Business Spotify is financial death by a trillion streams Streaming will turn recorded music into a nickel and dime game, which will only work for multinational aggregated rights owners.
Publishing Seth Godin on author scarcity and souvenirs The future of books lies in amateur authors, together with the few superstars with a big enough tribe to earn significant advances and royalties.
Business Rethinking to-do lists We all have stuff that needs to be done, and keeping it together is clearly difficult enough to warrant the existence of a gigantic to-do list industry.
Marketing How the Buddha solved his marketing problem When you think of the Buddha, you don't think of marketing. But if we agree with Seth Godin that marketing is about spreading ideas, then you could say the Buddha was one of the greatest marketers of all time.
Year With No Beer 180 days down in my Year With No Beer #YWNB Today is my 180th day with no booze! It’s actually been really easy and so I’m setting a new challenge for the second half of 2011: daily exercise. I think it’s going to be much harder to achieve.
Publishing Ingram brings Print-On-Demand to Australia Ingram Content launched their print-on-demand biz Lightning Source in Australia today. It’s no small thing either and will dramatically impact how indie publishers run their national supply chain.
Publishing Seth Godin on game theory and free Very important blog post from Seth Godin today, The game theory of discovery and the birth of the free-gap. It’s a must read.
Business Offices of work and Microsoft With business growth comes the need to find new office space. I am not so sure anymore. Why does anyone involved in the creative industries need to be confined to a cubical any more?
Music Business The recorded music biz 2000 vs 2010 Interesting series of charts from Digital Music News (love your work PR!) breaking down recorded music revenues by format. Here’s a couple of charts, and for the full set go to the DMN site.
Publishing Can a free book be a bestseller? Can a book given away for free can actually be a bestseller? Does the consideration for the sale have to be greater than zero?