Trying to leave something behind

Blame an average movie about an accountant assassin for my discovery of Sean Rowe, but that's how it went down.

Trying to leave something behind
I cannot say that I know you well
But you can't lie to me with all these books that you sell
I'm not trying to follow you to the end of the world
I'm just trying to leave something behind
— Sean Rowe, To Leave Something Behind (New Lore)

Blame an average movie about an accountant assassin for my discovery of Sean Rowe, but that's how it went down. The last song on his record New Lore, To Leave Something Behind, featured in Ben Affleck's movie. It's a haunting tune about searching for meaning. A theme found in much of New Lore's lyrics.

Sean is on tour, with a few dates Stateside before closing out 2019 with gigs in the United Kingdom, and Western and Northern Europe. With some good fortune we'll see him back in California soon.

To Leave Something Behind, Sean Rowe, New Lore

It's great to be back sharing some of my favorite tunes, and new discoveries (however they're found).