A Review: My Year With No Beer #YWNB

In late 2010 I set myself the challenge of not consuming alcohol during 2011. I’m happy to say that I achieved my goal. Perhaps importantly it was easier than I had expected—which means anyone can do it!

I hope the following outcomes from my experience will inspire you if you’re thinking about meaningful change in the New Year:

  • My physical health improved. (I didn’t have a single day of unwellness during 2011.)
  • I experienced significantly improved mental health. (Any self-doubt I had is completely gone and I’m plain and simply happier.)
  • And lastly in a nod to Seth Godin, I became significantly more focused and I now 'ship' without fail.

My hope is that if you’re experiencing any ill-health, or perhaps if you haven’t achieved the things you wanted to achieve in your life, that you’ll take inspiration from my Year With No Beer and give it a go in 2012.

Hit me up on Twitter @robertcollings if you want to chat about your #YWNB. I’m doing it again.