Non-founder CEO "moral authority"

Twitter has been criticized in the past for moving too slowly or too tentatively when it comes to evolving the product. Some believe that part of the issue is that, as a non-founder CEO, Costolo lacked some of the moral authority needed to make major changes to the Twitter product. Bringing a founder back to run the company might help Twitter push some of those ideas forward with more confidence.


If true, Twitter shouldn't be a public company. Any business where a non-founder CEO can't carry out change shouldn't be a public company.

I don't envy Costolo. Being CEO in an environment like this would be difficult. Especially if you want to be liked ...

Costolo has always had a reputation for being a likable manager. He's a fun person — a former comedian — and some people took that humor for a lack of seriousness, but people tended to respect him.

Perhaps therein lies the problem? To be respected CEOs don't need to be "liked".

Listening to Miles Davis, chillin' in Incline Village.