How do you know if you're geeky? Here's 7 ways!

I recently relocated to Silicon Valley to pursue a start-up in the social commerce space. I wish I'd moved 20 years ago, but a career in the music biz got in the way. If you're a marketing and business development type rather than an engineer, here's how you'll know whether you'll feel at home in the Valley:

  1. When you visit the Bay Area for the first time you head straight to the Intel Museum and not Pier 39.
  2. Signs on buildings of behemoth multinationals, and select sneaky start-ups, inspire wonder at the goings on inside.
  3. You go uber-giddy driving by Parc or SLAC.
  4. You understand the billboard adverts as you drive the 101.
  5. Ripping the screen off an old iMac to replace a borked HDD is fun. So is swapping out the Superdrive in your MBP for a SSD.
  6. You use the word borked ... and grokked ... and dogfooding ...
  7. When you tell your partner you're going to learn a new language you don't mean Mandarin.
On reflection, the joy of being a noob :-)