A great product meets a great brand

Very proud of the marketing team at Tiny, where we are #1 in G2 Crowd's 2019 Spring Grid Report for WYSIWYG editors. #1 highest rated. #1 easiest to use. We sit in the top right corner of the G2 Grid.

If you are interested in the details, I wrote a brief post about this on the company's blog.

TinyMCE 5 UI Elements

The achievement is a reflection of a major milestone release of Tiny's core editor technology, TinyMCE version 5, and 2+ years of deliberate, systematic brand building. It's the latter of which I am most proud, since it's the work of the marketing team (the journey of which is deserving of its own story).

To give a sense of how well the team has done, about 2 years ago our market share was around 40% , and today we are at 83% (independently verified).

Why does market share matter so much to me? Rich text (aka WYSIWYG) editors have a very long history as open source libraries. In fact, the market is littered with open source solutions. There is also a common view that editors are a commodity.

Put another way: this is a commoditized market subject to zero price effects. The only way to win this market is to own it, completely.

G2's recognition of Tiny is a natural reflection of my efforts to build a great brand. We have  a long way to go, but it's great to be reminded along the way that we're doing okay.