Future Demand, Part 2, Brand Business

The most important recent work explaining demand generation.

Future Demand, Part 2, Brand Business

In my last post I introduced what I believe is the most important recent contribution to the demand generation conversation. Today we will look at the hard business case for brand.

The book, Future Demand, by James Hurman was written for startup and scaleup founders and executives. It is equally applicable to any marketer in an early stage business, or even a more mature business with a nascent or emerging brand.

Let’s get to part two of James book, the hard business case for brand:

Part Two, Takeaway

  • Strong brands outperform the stock market, grow faster, and are more profitable.
  • Purchase intent rises significantly as brands become more meaningful and familiar.
  • General market conditions almost always become more challenging in the mid-term (for startups) ... companies who've invested in a strong brand are far more insulated from those more challenging conditions, and far more likely to continue growing and retaining customers.

Part Two, Listen

James generously released the audiobook as a podcast, available on most popular streaming platforms.

Purchase Future Demand

No affiliate links, straight from the source: direct from James; Kindle.