Another TinyMCE update v5.0.5, improves i18n
Here's a very brief post I wrote about the latest update to TinyMCE, including internationalization (i18n) improvements.

Here's a very brief post I wrote about the latest update to TinyMCE, where we added a color picker to menus and improvements to our internationalization.
TinyMCE 5.0.5 adds color picker to menus, RTL updates
We're now at version 5.0.5. Where possible I like to bring at least one image into my work posts. Humans are very visual creatures (even those who consider themself highly analytical) and this help with the story.

One thing I love about Tiny, both the tech and working there, is our commitment to accessibility. When you hear people in Silicon Valley sprout platitudes about "making the world a better place", and when asked about a11y they stare back blankly, you know they're not serious about really making things better.
In a similar way, I also love that TinyMCE is translated into about 50 languages, has spell checking in about 15 languages, and has full support for RTL languages. That's a very internationalized product, which presents a truly wonderful marketing challenge.